OCinkjet Promo Codes & Discounts

There are currently 3 OCinkjet Promotion Codes and OCinkjet Coupons.

Tired of having to find the right ink cartridge to fit your printer? OC InkJet makes it easy. OC has a huge selection at great prices, you’ll have no problem navigating to the product that your printer needs. Spend over $30.00 and receive free shipping. Use the OCInkJet promo codes listed below for online savings at ocinkjet.com. Store located at:

Current Codes

OCinkjet: 15% off

Get 15% off select Ink and Toner purchases at OCInkjet.com.

Use code: GBASEOC15

Expires: on-going

OCinkjet: 10% off

Save 10% on all purchases at OCInkJet.com.

Use code: OCINK10

Expires: on-going

OCinkjet: Free Shipping

Get free shipping on all purchases at OC Inkjet.

No Code Needed

Expires: on-going

Learn more about how to save the most at OCinkjet

OCinkjet Offer Data
Total Valid Offers: 3
Free Shipping Offers: 1
Last Offer Added: 2017-03-03 04:51:01 UTC
Expired Deals: 0
6/24/2013 We are no longer affiliated with OC Inkjet. It doesn't look like they have an affiliate program at this time. This is bad news for us. It means we aren't actively receiving their newest discounts and we don't have a contact at OCInkjet.com to ask if our coupons are valid or not. The ones we have above are years old, so we really don't know if they still work or not. Also, there may be some weird stuff going on at OC Inkjet. It used to be strickly an ink and toner retailers, but now it has knives and carabineer clips as the featured products on their homepage. And they have categories for apparel, games, beauty, kids and toys. Not really sure what is going on.