Meguiar's Promo Codes & Discounts

There are currently 4 Meguiar's Promotion Codes and Meguiar's Coupons.

Since 1901 Meguiar's has been a leader in car cleaners. They have high quality products to clean the interior and exterior parts of your car so it will shine like its just off the lot. Use the Meguiars promo codes listed below for online savings at Store located at:

Current Codes

Meguiar's: $15 off

Get $15 off orders over $75.


Expires: on-going

Meguiar's: Free Shipping

Get free shipping on orders over $49.


Expires: on-going

Meguiar's: Free Shipping on $59+

Spend over $59 at Meguiars to get free shipping.

Use code: WASH59

Expires: on-going

Meguiar's: Free Shipping on $59

Use this code to get free shipping on orders over $59.

Use code: CLEAN59

Expires: on-going

Learn more about how to save the most at Meguiar's

Meguiar's Offer Data
Total Valid Offers: 4
Free Shipping Offers: 3
Last Offer Added: 2017-03-03 04:51:46 UTC
Expired Deals: 0
10/2/2012 We just added a few free shipping coupons for Meguiar's Direct. A few of them are older coupons and are valid for free shipping when you spend over $59. The newest coupon, which we know works as of today is valid for free shipping on orders over $49. Just click the Use Code button above to get the discount. Make sure you copy the promotion code so that you can paste it at to receive the discount.

10/2/2012 We are trying to add more information about Meguiar's today but their website is incredibly slow. It is taking minutes to load a single page. I thought maybe it was just my computer and internet connection, but other websites, besides are loading quickly. The only new thing I can share with you is that you can sign up for the Meguiars newsletter and get access to exclusive promotions, deals and coupons that other's may not have access to.

3/11/2013 We are trying to add more information about Meguiar's today but their website is incredibly slow. It is taking minutes to load a single page. I thought maybe it was just my computer and internet connection, but other websites, besides are loading quickly. The only new thing I can share with you is that you can sign up for the Meguiars newsletter and get access to exclusive promotions, deals and coupons that other's may not have access to.