Blue Dolphin Magazines Promo Codes & Discounts

There are currently 3 Blue Dolphin Magazines Promotion Codes and Blue Dolphin Magazines Coupons.

Blue Dolphin Magazine Superstore offers over 1300 titles to choose from. Get People, Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, The Economist and hundreds more at prices up to 85% off the cover price. Use the Blue Dolphin promo codes listed below for online savings at Store located at:

Current Codes

Blue Dolphin Magazines: 50% off Maxim

Get 50% off Mens Health and Maxim 1 year subscriptions with this promotion code

Use code: 379jnvbd873lvru

Expires: on-going

Blue Dolphin Magazines: 3 Months Risk Free

Try one of these magazines for 3 months, risk free! Motor Trend, Runner's, Shape, Marie Claire, Bon Appetit.

No Code Needed

Expires: on-going

Blue Dolphin Magazines: Up to 85% off Cover Price

Save up to 85% off the cover price on thousands of magazines at BlueDolphin Magazines.

No Code Needed

Expires: on-going

Learn more about how to save the most at Blue Dolphin Magazines

Blue Dolphin Magazines Offer Data
Total Valid Offers: 3
Free Shipping Offers: 0
Last Offer Added: 2017-03-03 04:52:06 UTC
Expired Deals: 1
8/15/2012 Why choose Blue Dolphin? There are many reasons why we love America's Magazine Superstore. First, and foremost, is because of the super discounted price they offer on some of America's top magazines. For example, just glancing at the homepage right now, you can save 68% on US Weekly, 58% on Dwell and get a 3 month risk free trial of Motor Trend, Runners Magazine, Shape, Marie Claire and Bon Appetit. These truly are discounted magazines. What is also great, is that you can find a bunch of magazines at specific price levels. You can search subscription prices by $10 or less, $20 or less or $40 or less. Here are a few of the options you can find at those prices. $10 of less:
  • Parents
  • Redbook
  • Good Housekeeping
  • Reader's Digest
  • Seventeen
  • Marie Clair
  • Esquire

$20 of less:
  • Whole Living
  • Fitness
  • Family Circle
  • Better Home and Gardens

$40 or less:
  • Martha Stewart Living
  • Men's Fitness
  • Newsweek
  • Consumer Reports
  • ESPN

Unfortunately, at this time, we can't find an Blue Dolphin promo codes that actually work on their site. But we will list their current discounts and promotions so that you can get the best prices on your magazine subscriptions.

8/15/2012 There are some great Blue Dolphin promotions going on right now. These don't require a code to get the discount, but check this out! You can save 68% on the cover price of US Weekly or 58% on the cover price of Dwell which is the staff favorite this week. You can also get some free business magazines. If you can't find the promo code that you want above, just click one and you can see many other promotions on their homepage.

12/3/2012 There are some great Blue Dolphin promotions going on right now. These don't require a code to get the discount, but check this out! You can save 68% on the cover price of US Weekly or 58% on the cover price of Dwell which is the staff favorite this week. You can also get some free business magazines. If you can't find the promo code that you want above, just click one and you can see many other promotions on their homepage.