Academic Superstore Promo Codes & Discounts

There are currently 2 Academic Superstore Promotion Codes and Academic Superstore Coupons.

The Academic Superstore offers computer software and hardware products exclusively to academic customers at fantastic discounts. AcademicSuperstore has partnered with the elite technology manufacturers including Microsoft, Sony Media Software, and Adobe providing the most current and cutting edge software at affordable prices. Academic superstore continues to strive to make computer software and platforms available for both students and educators. Use the Academic Superstore promo codes below for additional savings and discounts when shopping at Store located at:

Current Codes

Academic Superstore: $10 off

Save $10 on orders over $100.

Use code: pnmlx5n5

Expires: on-going

Academic Superstore: Up to 85% off

Students and teachers can save up to 85% on standard retail prices by shopping at Academic Superstore.

No Code Needed

Expires: on-going

Learn more about how to save the most at Academic Superstore

Academic Superstore Offer Data
Total Valid Offers: 2
Free Shipping Offers: 0
Last Offer Added: 2017-03-03 04:52:04 UTC
Expired Deals: 0
2/25/2013 Academic Superstore coupons are very hard to come by. We have the one $10 off discount code, but this has been posted for years and we don't know if it is still valid. We did just add a new "coupon" above, but it isn't really a coupon. It's more of a selling point that Academic Superstore likes to promote. When faculty members or students shop at they can save as much as 85% on standard retail prices. If you are already shopping at their online store then this won't help you, but if you are looking for a place to buy software or school supplies, then this is an enticing offer.

2/25/2013 There are no new coupons for Academic Superstore right now. In fact there haven't been any new ones for years. They do always have sale prices though. Right now you can save $20 on Adobe Creative Cloud Student and Teacher Edition, $20 on Mictrosoft Office 365 University, $150 off Microsoft Surface tablet and $140 on Total Training Online annual subscription.

7/17/2013 There are no new coupons for Academic Superstore right now. In fact there haven't been any new ones for years. They do always have sale prices though. Right now you can save $20 on Adobe Creative Cloud Student and Teacher Edition, $20 on Mictrosoft Office 365 University, $150 off Microsoft Surface tablet and $140 on Total Training Online annual subscription.