6 Dollar Shirts Promo Codes & Discounts

There are currently 7 6 Dollar Shirts Promotion Codes and 6 Dollar Shirts Coupons.

6 Dollar Shirts offers exactly what the name implies; every shirt is only $6. Shop from a wide variety of funny shirts, political shirt, dirty shirts or artistic shirts, all of which are only $6. Or you can always purchase 5 shirts for $50. Use the 6 Dollar Shirts promo codes listed below for online savings at 6DollarShirts.com. Store located at:

Current Codes

6 Dollar Shirts: Get 10 T-Shirts for $55, or Just $6 Each!

Get 10 T-Shirts for $55, or Just $6 Each! at 6 Dollar Shirts.

No Code Needed

Expires: 2028-01-30

6 Dollar Shirts: Thousands of T-Shirts Starting at $6!

Thousands of T-Shirts Starting at $6! at 6 Dollar Shirts.

No Code Needed

Expires: 2028-01-30

6 Dollar Shirts: 15% off

15% off at 6dollarshirts.com.

Use code: NYE22

Expires: on-going

6 Dollar Shirts: 15% off Site-wide : Black Friday

15% off Site-wide : Black Friday at 6dollarshirts.com.

Use code: BFR82

Expires: on-going

6 Dollar Shirts: 10% off

10% off at 6dollarshirts.com.

Use code: FALL34

Expires: on-going

6 Dollar Shirts: -10% on Tees

-10% on Tees at 6dollarshirts.com.

Use code: TWT44

Expires: on-going

6 Dollar Shirts: $6 Shirts or 10 for $50

Get shirts for only $6 each or 10 for $50

No Code Needed

Expires: on-going

Learn more about how to save the most at 6 Dollar Shirts

6 Dollar Shirts Offer Data
Total Valid Offers: 7
Free Shipping Offers: 0
Last Offer Added: 2022-05-25 13:38:46 UTC
Expired Deals: 0
11/30/2012 Because the t-shirts at 6 Dollar Shirts are so inexpensive, they never offer any promo codes. This means that you will unfortunately never be able to find a coupon code that will allow you to get even lower prices at 6DollarShirts.com. The only promotion that they ever have is the bulk discount where you can get 10 shirts for $50, a savings of $10. We have a coupon for this posted above that we encourage you to take advantage of if you need 10 shirts.

11/30/2012 If you are looking for just a cheap t-shirt, we suggest you shop the random myster shirt. Each day, they have a random shirt that they price at just $2.95. The catch is that you don't know what the shirt is until you make the purchase. So you could end up with a shirt that you absolutely hate or absolutely love, it's a $3 risk that you just might have to take.

7/16/2013 If you are looking for just a cheap t-shirt, we suggest you shop the random myster shirt. Each day, they have a random shirt that they price at just $2.95. The catch is that you don't know what the shirt is until you make the purchase. So you could end up with a shirt that you absolutely hate or absolutely love, it's a $3 risk that you just might have to take.