1 Stop Florists Promo Codes & Discounts

There are currently 9 1 Stop Florists Promotion Codes and 1 Stop Florists Coupons.

1 Stop Florists has the perfect gifts for Anniversaries, birthdays, or just a simple thank. Simply choose a bouquet, enter in the recipients information, and 1StopFlorisits will do all the rest! 1 Stop florists delivers all over the country, and even offers same day delivery for last minute orders. Use the 1 Strop Florists promotional codes below for online savings while shopping at 1stopflorists.com. Store located at:

Current Codes

1 Stop Florists: 10% off

Get a 10% discount on all flower purchases.

Use code: AFFFLOWER10

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: 15% off Easter Flowers

Save 15% on all Easter Flowers.

Use code: AFFEASTER13

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: 5% off

Save 5% on your order.

Use code: CP1ST5

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: $10 off

Save $10 on purchases over $50.

Use code: AFF1SF613

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: Free Shipping

Get free shipping on orders over $25.

Use code: SHIP25

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: 7% off

Get 7% off your order.

Use code: APH7AFF

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: $15 off

Save $15 on orders over $150.

Use code: APH150

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: 15% off

Get 15% off orders over $100.

Use code: CCRWB

Expires: on-going

1 Stop Florists: 40% off Sale

Get an extra 40$ off sale items.

Use code: SALE40

Expires: on-going

Learn more about how to save the most at 1 Stop Florists

1 Stop Florists Offer Data
Total Valid Offers: 9
Free Shipping Offers: 1
Last Offer Added: 2020-10-04 14:17:20 UTC
Expired Deals: 82
8/29/2012 We apologize for not listing any 1 Stop Florist promo codes on this site until now. Previously, this online flower company didn't offer discount codes. Because of that, we thought it best to promote their top selling products, so we listed them above. However, you can now find 1StopFlorists.com coupons here since they now offer them to the general public. Check above for all the current codes!

8/29/2012 Even though July isn't the biggest month for people purchasing flowers online, we did just add 2 new codes for 1 Stop Florists. You can now save $10 on any order over $50 or get 10% off any purchase. If you are purchasing a bouquet or multiple prodcuts that total over $100 you will get the largest discount by using the 10% off code. It appears that most of their popular bouquets such as the Enchanted Cottage or the Simple Elegance Bouquet are priced well under $100, so $10 off code might be the best bet for your savings.

7/15/2013 Even though July isn't the biggest month for people purchasing flowers online, we did just add 2 new codes for 1 Stop Florists. You can now save $10 on any order over $50 or get 10% off any purchase. If you are purchasing a bouquet or multiple prodcuts that total over $100 you will get the largest discount by using the 10% off code. It appears that most of their popular bouquets such as the Enchanted Cottage or the Simple Elegance Bouquet are priced well under $100, so $10 off code might be the best bet for your savings.

Recently Expired 1 Stop Florists Coupon Codes

1 Stop Florists: Sweetest Day Sale During October!

Sweetest Day Sale During October! at 1stopflorists.com.


Expires: 2020-11-01

1 Stop Florists: Save Up to $10 And Free Shipping Halloween Specials

Save Up to $10 And Free Shipping Halloween Specials at 1stopflorists.com.

Use code: AFF1SSCARY20

Expires: 2020-11-01

1 Stop Florists: Save $5 on Fruit in October!

Save $5 on Fruit in October! at 1stopflorists.com.


Expires: 2020-11-01

1 Stop Florists: Savings Up to $20 for October Birthday Celebrations!

Savings Up to $20 for October Birthday Celebrations! at 1stopflorists.com.

Use code: AFF1SOCTBDAY20

Expires: 2020-11-01

1 Stop Florists: Celebrate Boss's Day With $15 Off And Free shipping

Celebrate Boss's Day With $15 Off And Free shipping at 1stopflorists.com.

Use code: AFF1SBOSS20

Expires: 2020-11-01

1 Stop Florists: September Birthday Gifts Sale!

September Birthday Gifts Sale! at 1stopflorists.com.


Expires: 2020-10-01

1 Stop Florists: Roses Sale

Roses Sale at 1stopflorists.com.


Expires: 2020-10-01

1 Stop Florists: Labor Day Sale!

Labor Day Sale! at 1stopflorists.com.


Expires: 2020-10-01

1 Stop Florists: Plant & Flower Sale

Plant & Flower Sale at 1stopflorists.com.

Use code: AFF1SCHEER20

Expires: 2020-10-01

1 Stop Florists: Save up to $25 on Wine & Champagne Gifts!

Save up to $25 on Wine & Champagne Gifts! at 1stopflorists.com.

Use code: AFF1SWINE2520

Expires: 2020-09-01